Don't let the title scare you....too much.
Any of you that know me on a personal level know that I am obsessed with Reality Television. It can be anything; Real Housewives, ANTM, Survivor, True Life, Real World, The Hills, etc. I recently saw an advertisement for a new reality show called 16 and pregnant. It is on (the ever so educational) MTV, so I HAD to watch it.
Unfortunately (really?) I was in California at the time so I totally missed it. As I was sipping wine in Napa I even had a fleeting thought; "I am missing 16 and Pregnant right now". (Please don't tell my husband-apparently he doesn't read the blog? hmmmm, maybe he has lived with me too long and has to "Survive" my stories)
As I was watching it I couldn't believe how amazing little Maci was, and yes I can call her "little Maci" because she was only 16. Sixteen years-old people! She had a little boy named Bentley (that's a whole different blog entry...BENTLEY?).
She was just darling with her southern twang and soft demeanor. I wanted her to live in my city so we could go to ECFE together or maybe have a play date-But then I remembered she is 16!
When I was 16 I still had stuffed animals on my bed, and I may have still had my baby blanket under my pillow where no one could see it. Maci probably wouldn't be able to come over for a
play date because she wold most likely have been taking a college class (went to an accelerated high school), at dance (joined six weeks after giving birth) or maybe at work (part time for her father).
This brings me to my point.
How can I complain...literally how can I complain? When I go back to work this fall and am a littler irritated when a parent can't make it to a meeting or a conference on time I am going to remember this girl. I also have to remind myself that I am 30 years old and I still struggle to get out of the house on time even though I have; 1. A vehicle to get me places, 2. A supportive husband that works so I can stay home with my daughter, 3. The ability to get online, use my house or cell phone to ask for help, and 4. Over 20 people in my family that would jump at the chance to babysit my dear daughter.
I love it when I get a piece of Humble Pie whilst watching MTV. Some people may get their fulfillment from Church, meditation, or reading a good, not me. MTV
-a couple of footnotes-
1. I do not endorse anyone 30 or younger to have a child.
2. I do not endorse anyone 1-9 months pregnant to ride a "quad" as she called it.
3. I plan on sending very strong hate mail to Ryan. (see photo and watch the show)
4. Bentley is a good name if your like...16.
5. I just broke a promise I made to myself never to make fun of a baby name (Keee-aira?) (Key-ra?) come people it is not that friggen hard!
6. Maci if you happen to stumble upon this please call me, I really want to hang out with you.
7. You.Must.Watch.This. Show. Thursday 7:00 pm Eastern time. (or online like I did)