Being a SAHM I rarely put on makeup. There are times when I don't even remember where I placed my makeup bag. There are also times when I rejoice because it is a sunny day and I can wear my sunglasses. This means I only have to put a little powder on and a touch of lipstick. No need to use the make-up remover tonight!
I literally get angry at myself at 10:00pm on the evenings where I find myself falling into bed and realize that I HAVE to wash my face tonight because I am wearing eye liner and mascara. I feel it is so unfair that my husband can plop into bed and subsequently fall asleep within seconds (no joke, seconds!-more to come).
HERE COMES AN EXPLANATION OF MY NAMESAKE (in this case Blogsake-"life with Kim")
I like to wake him up and tell him I am about to wash my face. Yes, I honestly feel better knowing that he is awake thinking; "wow, she sure puts a lot of work into looking beautiful for me." When in reality he doesn't even remember being woken up at all. I will often come back into the room after washing my face and announce, "Humph, I JUST finished washing my face!" Hoping that this too will wake him up and he will smile, and say; "wow, I can't even tell the difference, you looked beautiful before but even more so now!"
Yes it is a pain to live with me and he is often irritated at the fact I even put makeup on in the first place. He thinks it is a waste of time and it always makes us late for anything that we are trying to get to on time.
Believe it or not, this is not what I intended to write about today. My topic, Wrinkle in Time refers to the fact that I have wrinkles. There is no way around it anymore, I TOTALLY have wrinkles. I thought it was because I was tired and the bags under my eyes made it look like I had wrinkles but it wasn't. I found my wrinkles last night while washing my face. The mascara that I had put on to go to Baby Story Time at the library had seeped down my face and settled in the crows feet around my eyes. I hate this, I hate this a lot. I don't notice it as much when I am not wearing any makeup, probably because the wrinkles have nothing to collect. Which brings me to my final decision;
I will no longer be wearing makeup. Just sunglasses and lipstick.-take that Baby Story Time Mommy's
PS-see photo above of myself without makeup and crows feet. I still look happy but I was just smiling pretty for the camera.
Hilarious post! You should take off your sunglasses at storytime or else you will look blind. But then maybe the other moms will feel bad for you and not make fun of your wrinkles.